Off market sale

Sold off-market with no advertising to a buyer from our database, and while tenanted! A complex record like for like! By Anthony Oddo and Beth Leach from Beth Leach New Farm.

For a private inspection contact:
Anthony Oddo 0430 028254
Beth Leach 0414 770 956
Anthony Oddo 0430 028254
Beth Leach 0414 770 956


Windsor has parklands on its southern border next to Enoggera Creek, and its more central heritage-listed Memorial Park (1925) with a war memorial. The growth of population required a service reservoir in 1930 at Eildon Hill, around which a third larger reserve was laid out. Eildon Hill gives views over Brisbane, as far as the Glass House Mountains and Victoria Point on a clear day.

See Full Profile
Windsor war memorial park